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Zennexo software has taken into consideration all the moving parts that make up the day to day operations from processes to stakeholders and connected it seamlessly together.


Facilities Management

ZenFM – The Zennexo Facilities Management Modules that integrate and run the operations of any Property. Learn more about some of the core platform features below

Work Order Management

Zennexo has a proprietary built Work Order Management system. We y have made generating work orders simple, easy and branded and issued at a press of a button. Then Manage the delegation and authority of the work order from Quote, Schedule, Review and Invoice approval. 

Zennexo also integrates directly with Custom ERP System’s.


Budgets & Purchase Order

View your budgets and generate PO’s directly against the right expense code for your work order. Create monthly re-occuring PO’s and track Budget vs Committed vs Actual in real time.

Further integrations into ERP’s can be done.


Tenant Helpdesk

Tenants can log issues via their mobile application and log an issue and see the status in real-time directly from their device for the ultimate convenience. All parties assigned are then notified.


Asset Register

Tenants can log issues via their mobile application and log an issue and see the status in real-time directly from their device for the ultimate convenience. All parties assigned are then notified.


Contractor Management

Manage your Contractors and give the mobile access to engage with your work orders and company details.

– Manage Vendor Details (Insurance, Licenses, Warranties)

– Manage Tradesmen.

– Request quotes quicker

– Schedule Jobs

– Sign in to jobs and completion proof

– Submit invoices for quicker payments.

    Risk & Safety Management

    A register for all your risk and safety requirements. 

    Track, Log, and Report with actions that can be assigned to internal team members or creating cases that require work orders.


    Task Manager

    An in-built real time task management system to assign tasks between staff that is directly linked to your resources.

    Creating efficiency and transparency with accountability.


    Inspection Manager

     Building your inspection report with our drag and drop form builder allowing you to generate an inspection template for a number of different uses and report correctly with actions and approvals.


    Reactive / Planned Maintenance Schedules


    Compliantly create, manage and maintenance ongoing maintenance schedules that provide you realtime graphical insights for multiple disciplines. 

    Automated to provide your maintenance contractor the relevant work order at a stipulated time, which you can then attached back and update to the asset register.


    Email Integration


    Access your emails directly through your management dashboard. With Rich features that integrate with the system making email to action faster, easier and more labour intensive.

    • Email Sync’d
    • Calendar Sync’d
    • Contact Sync’d
    • Automation Sync’d


    Custom Reporting

     Zennexo has a number of out of the box reports both in PDF and on screen reporting. However custom reporting is available to you, simply brief, and have it ready soon after with our fantastic team who can configure to all report requests.


    Document Management


    A single storage hub where you can store, access and share all documents. All permission access with the ability to view a single job with all resources correlated.


    Book a FREE DEMO …. 

    Seen enough ? Book a Free DEMO and see what the full Zennexo Suite can offer.
